Year of the Tiger 1oz Silver Round

The Chinese Zodiac dates back to the Qin Dynasty over 2000 years ago and is rooted in a system of zoolatry (or animal worship). As the legend goes, the Jade Emperor challenged all the animals in the Kingdom to a “Great Race.” Whoever arrived at his palace first would win his favor. The Tiger was sure that he had the race in the bag, but ended up placing third after the cunning Rat and workhorse Ox snuck in ahead of him. Thus, Tigers are extremely competitive people, known for their courage and ambition. Tigers are ambitious, but they’re also extremely generous with a drive to help others. Tigers want to win but they’re also always seeking justice.

Was I born during the Year of the Tiger?
If you were born in 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 or 2022, you were born during the Year of the Tiger.

What brings Tiger luck this year?
Chinese zodiac follows that certain symbols, directions and colors are auspicious for each zodiac sign. This can apply to those born as that sign as well as for all of us during that particular zodiac year. During the Year of the Tiger those are:

Colors: Blue, Green
Numbers: 1, 3, 7
Flowers: Plum Blossom
Direction: North